Office of Student Life

Handshake for Alumni

Handshake is a Ohio State's official job search system, designed to help students and alumni connect with employers for part-time jobs, internships, co-ops and full-time career opportunities.

Alumni have full access to Handshake, but do not have access to on-campus interview opportunities after graduation. Alumni who create an account while attending Ohio State will continue their access after graduation. Alumni who graduated before accessing Handshake can request an account with their Ohio State email address. Alumni have access to:

  • College career office resources
  • Directory of employers recruiting at Ohio State
  • Job search features
  • Job application features*

*Job postings in Handshake are targeted to recent alumni with entry-level job experience. Alumni with more professional experience should refer to the Alumni Career Connection board through the Bill and Susan Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management.

How to set up your account

All alumni must use their email on their Handshake account. Other email addresses (,, etc.) will not be accepted. You can set up lifetime forwarding access to your Ohio State email by having your email forwarded to your e-mail service of your choice. Learn more about alumni email access.

Recent Graduates (Autumn 2017 to present)

  • Recent graduates have a pre-populated account in Handshake
  • Alumni who graduate after AU17 will use their Ohio State University email ( and password to log in and begin their job search. 

Graduates Prior to Autumn 2017

  • Alumni prior to AU17 will need to set up a new account in Handshake with their Ohio State email address.
  • All pre-AU17 accounts will be confirmed and approved by a career services staff member.
  • Once approved, pre-AU17 alumni are granted full access to the Handshake features listed above.

Alumni Career Services via College Career Offices

Some college career offices may offer alumni career services. For details, please contact the appropriate college’s career service officeThe Bill and Susan Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management Office offers career services support for Ohio State alumni.