Office of Student Life


University Career Services Committee

Ohio State utilizes a comprehensive, decentralized career services model. College and department career services offices exist across the university to serve target populations of students and alumni. To help facilitate collaboration, professional development and networking among the various career services professionals across Ohio State, University Career Services Committee (UCSC) was formed in 1978. Membership is comprised of colleges and academic units on the Columbus and regional campuses.

If you are interested in joining UCSC, please contact Jennifer Chilman. If you'd like to be added to or removed from the UCSC listserv, please email Taylor Koon.

Mission Statement

University Career Services Committee (UCSC) is an organization of university professionals committed to responding to the career development needs of students at Ohio State. UCSC members exchange ideas and coordinate the dissemination of career-related information and events.

UCSC supports the professional development and promotes the value of the combined talent of its members. Through its unified voice, UCSC advocates policy resulting in practices that enhance the total educational experience of the students at Ohio State.

Vision Statement

To cultivate the potential of all Ohio State University students to become contributing world citizens by fostering valued and innovative career services.

Career Services Vendor Process

As you receive messages from technology vendors interested in working with Ohio State, please feel free to direct them to this page or share the link to the vendor survey which is reviewed by the tech team on a monthly basis. Below is an email blurb containing the link:

We appreciate your interest in working with Ohio State University to share your product with our student and alumni communities. All requests to have new career-related products and/or services considered for inclusion in our career technology portfolio are reviewed by the University Career Services Committee’s Technology Team.

To help us gain an introductory understanding of your product, please complete the  following form. We meet once per month to discuss recent submissions. If we feel that your product would be a good fit for our user population, a committee member will follow up to discuss next steps.

2024 - 2025 Executive Team Officers

Chair - Jennifer Chilman

Chair-elect -  Austin Cook

Secretary - Taylor Koon

Treasurer - Mollie Workman

Professional Development Team Lead - Tara Nord

Member Services Team Lead - Katie Hipp

Student Services Team Lead - Richard Fajardo

Technology Team Lead - Jake Sigafoos



UCSC teams are always accepting new members! Please read the purpose of each team and contact the team lead above or Jennifer Chilman to join. 

Member Services Team

Purpose: To recruit, orient and retain UCSC members.

Professional Development Team

Purpose: To support career staff and professional development across the university.

Student Services Team

Purpose: To promote understanding of career services resources, available to students, across the university.

Technology Team

Purpose: To address and coordinate any career-related technology requests and needs for UCSC.