Office of Student Life

Current Students


Handshake is the university’s official job resource for Ohio State students. Handshake is an intuitive, easy-to-use job search system to help students connect with employers for part-time jobs, internships, co-ops and full-time career opportunities. Handshake grows with students through their time at Ohio State. They can use Handshake to find a job on campus during their first year, explore internships and co-ops as they gain more experience in their major and students use it to find their first job when they graduate. Students will need to complete their profiles with details, such as work experiences, skills, interests and organizations. Next, students can explore the many resources and tools that are available in Handshake.

Feel free to contact with questions. 

Why work on campus?

Campus employment is more than just a job, more than just a paycheck. Students who choose to work on campus achieve a number of benefits that will help them during their time on campus, as well as after they graduate:

  • 70% acquired new skills
  • 65% fostered sense of belonging
  • 75% formed new friendships
  • 50% improved critical thinking
  • 70% expanded interactions with diverse populations
  • 70% enhanced work-life balance

Source: Center for the Study of Student Life

Hired to work on campus?

If your student is hired to work on campus, the resources below can assist in preparing for the hiring process.

College Career Services Office

Ohio State utilizes a comprehensive, de-centralized career services model. College and department career services offices exist across the university to support students in connecting with internships, co-ops and career opportunities related to their majors. If a college does not have a dedicated Career Services Office, Student Life's Buckeye Careers and Career Counseling and Support Services are available to help students on their career journey.

Parker Dewey - Find Micro Internships and Gig Opportunities

Parker Dewey is a network of highly-motivated Career Launchers and business professionals working together on Micro-Internships. As a consulting firm, Parker Dewey helps companies more effectively complete tasks and improve hiring. They do this by contracting with college students and recent graduates who want to work on short-term, professional projects so that they can generate income while demonstrating capabilities and gaining practical experience. Find paid, short-term projects through Parker Dewey's website.

*Please note: International Students are only legally authorized to work on short-term projects if the work occurs on-site/at the employer's physical location, related to their field of study and involves direct supervision. CPT will not be issued for remote or independent projects performed remotely.

Deciding on Graduate and Professional School

Whether students are looking to continue their education here at Ohio State or moving on to another institution, the process for applying to graduate and professional schools should begin about a year and a half before graduation. So it is important to start exploring if graduate school is right for the student around their junior year. A career advisor in the student's college or in Student Life Career Counseling and Consultation Services, as well as faculty members in their major, can help students determine if graduate school is the next step for them. Below are some points to keep in mind:

  • Attending graduate school will add at least two and sometimes more than eight years to a student's academic studies based on the degree they decide to pursue. The very first question that should be asked is: "Why do I want/need to go to graduate school?" 
  • Often the application process is unique and tailored to each specialty, program and university. Researching the application, deadlines, interview and acceptance process of a student's intended program well ahead of applying will help tremendously when they create their application.
  • Some programs may have rolling admissions, meaning they accept students to fill their class well before the final deadline, while others will only admit students one time per year. Knowing what kind of admissions materials a student needs to have prepared (including appropriate exams-GRE, LSAT, etc.), the number of references and the deadlines of these programs will help a student strategize how best to complete their applications.
  • If a student is applying to Ohio State, the best resource for information is the Graduate and Professional Admissions website. Here, they will be able to research all of the programs that Ohio State has to offer, the materials needed to apply and the contact information for each program. The Ohio State Graduate School also has more in-depth information about the masters and doctoral process and timeline, including exams, specific forms and dissertation defenses. Both of these offices are great starting points to begin researching further academic pursuits here at Ohio State and beyond.

Versatile PhD

Versatile PhD is an online resource developed by Paula Chambers, a PhD English alumna of Ohio State. It offers a knowledgeable, supportive online community, regular asynchronous panel discussions with PhDs who have pursued non-academic careers and other content that supports successful job searches. Through the Graduate School’s subscription, all Ohio State students, faculty, staff and alumni have access to the full resources of the Versatile PhD. Participation in Versatile PhD is completely confidential and is a great resource for graduate students looking to learn more about potential career options.